Air - the 2nd Ningbo International Contemporary Art Exhibition



Chinese contemporary art has exprienced booms and slumps, and becomes popular in recent years. The reason that it is more accepted because contemporary artists create works based on their feelings of current society. Contemporary art is not only the art of today, but the art has contemporary spirit and language. Therefore, people are more willing to accept and understand contemporary art on account of its substantivity and tolerance.

The exhibiton theme is called "air", which could explain and embody future trends in more specific way. Air is invisible, shapeless and flowing. Lacking of vegetation and water makes air dusty. Industrial pollution generates haze that spreads through air. Air has infinite form of spreading: beneficial, harmful, unknown, prospective, etc.

What we see is not all of air. There is always something new for us to discover.

Hosted by:

Ningbo Museum of Art

Ningbo Art Center, "China Art Weekly" Magazine


Wu Jie International Culture and Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Wan Ying Art Museum

Yun Lang

"City to City" Magazine


19 January 2016 - 28 February 2016


No. 2 & 4 Hall and corridor