Two years ago, we began to prepare for the exhibition. It collects works from outstanding Taiwan female calligraphers, who are active in Taiwan art circles. The exhibition is worth appreciating because these calligraphy works have different characteristics and they reflect culture background and spirit of Taiwan female calligraphers.
Special thanks to Mrs. Zhang Songlian. She is the chairman of Taiwan Female Calligraphers Association. The exbition cannot be successful without her efforts.
We hope the exhibition will inspire Ningbo calligraphers. In addition, female calligraphers from mainland and Taiwan will make friends through calligraphy, improve and help each other to make contribution to Chinese cultural renaissance.
Ningbo Museum of Art
21st June 2016
Hosted by:
Ningbo Museum of Art
Taiwai Female Calligraphers Association
23 June 2016 - 3 July 2016
No. 3 Hall